Why Now is the Time to Escape Corporate America

Jan 31, 2023

I had coffee with a friend of mine who recently left a job he hated more specifically it was the company, not the job itself.

He loves the work he does but was in a terrible environment

He has only known corporate (30 years) so is looking for another corporate role but I encouraged him to consider the solo path

His skillset would easily transfer and he could pick and choose the clients he works with

He always viewed the solo path as risky like walking a tightrope between skyscrapers but the fact is the tightrope to leave corporate is only 2 feet off the ground

If it doesn’t work you can always go back and find another corporate job

The large number of folks that have left the corporate world and never looked back is growing every day...like an underground resistance!

My buddy is still pursuing corporate roles but he and I will also be working together on his “escape” plan

I know there is a huge demand for his skillset either as a consultant or a fractional leader

It is not as scary as it may seem and you control your own destiny, not someone else

Why not continue to do the work you love but with companies YOU want to work with

It is never too late!

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