Top 3 Things I Have Learned from 200 Podcast Episodes
Feb 03, 2023It is hard to believe that I have now recorded over 200 episodes of the podcast
I didn’t even know what a podcast was when I started this journey and I still cringe when I listen to the early episodes. I have gone through 4 name changes but one constant has been the quality of the guests and their willingness to share.
My only regret is that I didn’t start this sooner. It has been and still is a great platform to learn
In no particular order, these are the Top 3 things I have learned since I hit record for the first time back in June of 2019:
1️⃣ Always be Curious: this may be a superpower in today’s world. Being genuinely curious (you can’t fake it) will help you build better relationships and have better conversations
2️⃣ Always Be Learning: I have had 75+ authors, another 50+ subject matter experts and 50+ entrepreneurs and business owners that have been successful. They all have different lessons you can learn and apply to your business and life. The world is changing fast and you need to keep learning
3️⃣ Success is not an Accident: You must be intentional in going after what you want. I found the key is that you have to decide what success looks like for you, have a plan and be relentless in going after it. This is a universal theme with every episode/guest. Success is not going
It has been a blast doing these and I look forward to the next 200 episodes and whatever they may bring.
For fun, I have provided a link to my first interview with the legendary Tim Caito + the link to pod in the comments for anyone interested
Thank you to all my guests and listeners, you are all appreciated!
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