The Go-Giver Mentality- Be Intentional

Jul 26, 2023

When ever multiple folks, not in the same network, recommend a book it moves to the top of my list

The latest 📘 was The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann

It is a brilliant book that helped me reframe how I think about what success means and more importantly how to achieve it. (I am not an affiliate)

If you are like me, you are probably following a number of the "Five Laws of Stratospheric Success" but just not doing it intentionally.

The 5 Laws summarized:

1️⃣ The Law of Value: Success is not about the profits we make, but the value we provide to others.

2️⃣ The Law of Compensation: Our income is determined by how many people we serve and how well we serve them.

3️⃣ The Law of Influence: Our influence grows as we prioritize others' interests above our own.

4️⃣ The Law of Authenticity: Authenticity is the most valuable gift we have to offer.

5️⃣ The Law of Receptivity: To effectively give, one must be open to receiving.


Some of it will seem counter-intuitive but when you read the book, or in my case audio, it will make sense.

I have updated my rule of who I will work with: No A$$holes and must have a Go-Giver mentality

#TheGoGiver #Success #ProfessionalDevelopment

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