4 Things You Can Do to Stop Trading Time for Money as a Solo Business

Jan 31, 2023

If you are still trading time for money, there are 4 things you can start doing today to break this cycle

The holy grail for corporate escapees is finding the perfect balance of what I call the 3 Fs: Freedom, Flexibility and Financial (independence)

The challenge for many escapees (I was in this group) is trading time for money or just trying to replace our income.

There is nothing wrong with that in the short term but if you don’t get out of that cycle it will be very hard to find your optimal balance.

Below are 4 things you can do today to get your business moving:

1️⃣ Mindset is everything! You have to believe you have the skills and experience that others need and will pay you for. You earned the opportunity to do this. Embrace it!

2️⃣ Define what you want. Envision what you want your life to look like and build towards that. You have to have a goal

3️⃣ Find your different- cheaper or better will not cut it. You need to be different to cut through the noise

4️⃣ And last but not least: stop sub-contracting and work direct. It is fine to get started but longer term you will be relying on someone else, not to mention that your margins will be much less

You only need a handful of customers to achieve your financial goals. Your network will be your friend!

Good luck and connect with me if you have any questions.

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